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Bagging for Network Partners
Bagging for Network Partners
Updated over 12 months ago

If you encounter any issues bagging your order, this document provides the necessary information.

You will learn the following:

What is Bagging for Network Partners?

Bagging is Luwjistik's innovative sortation system that performs algorithmic calculations and recommends the most optimal way to bag your orders. It is aimed to simplify manual operational processes for network partners.

What to expect with our Bagging?

Within our portal's Bagging section, you can perform the following actions:

  • Hassle-free bagging sortation: With our Scan & Bag feature, scan the Order ID, and the software will recommend which bag to place the order in. No need to manually sort visually by checking barcodes or Excel. Follow the instructions on the screen.

  • Bagging management: Easily handle parcel movement and rejected order workflows.

  • Pre-alert manifest auto-generation

How to Make a Bagging?

Below are the detailed instructions for bagging for network partners.

Step 1: Scan Incoming Orders

Incoming scan helps you to manage orders that have arrived in the warehouse. The scan-in process is similar to “checking in” your orders to the warehouse.

  1. Navigate to Partner Bagging in our Menubar.

  2. Click on the Incoming tab, and all incoming orders and bags appear.

  3. Click on the Scan button to start scanning.

  1. The start scanning page will appear. Connect your barcode scanner (via USB) to your computer, and you can browse the physical item.

  1. If a valid barcode is scanned, the box will be in green.

  2. If you encounter an orange screen, please scan the bag barcode before checking the orders within the bag.

  1. Orders not scanned in will not appear on the unbagged, and the Bagging can't proceed.

Step 2: View Recommended Bins

Orders are sorted algorithmically into bins according to their destination, and optimized based on customs and last mile partner configured by the client.

You can get an overview of the number of orders per destination per bin and prepare for the bagging step.

  1. Navigate to Partner Bagging in our Menubar.

  2. Click on the Unbagged tab, and all incoming orders that are not bagged will appear.

  3. Click on the Bags tab, and all incoming bags will appear.

Step 3: Bagging Orders

There are two ways to perform the bagging actions.

A. Scan and Bag

  1. To scan, click the Scanned View button under Unbagged tab.

  1. Having clicked Scanned View, you now have the option to click the Start Scanning button at the top right.

  2. The start scanning page will appear. Connect your barcode scanner via USB to your computer, and you can now start browsing the physical item in your hand.

  1. An audio prompt will narrate the destination country if a valid barcode is scanned. E.g. in "Malaysia", the box will be in green. [The example below shows the checked order from Jakarta to Kuala Lumpur, using MRM for the customs partner and MRM for the last mile].

  2. If an invalid barcode is entered, an audio prompt will show No Data and the box will show red.

  1. Once a bag is complete, click on Stop Scan.

  2. View the bins that are available for closing. Find the correct container and click on Close Bag.

  3. Upon clicking Close Bag, you can select if you wish to

    • Close Bag: Bags closed will be found under the “Bags” tab for further bagging procedures.

    • Complete Bag: Bags completed will be found under the “Complete” tab. These bags are final and can be sealed and sent for customs check.

  4. A pop-up will appear for both cases, prompting if you wish to print the label now.

    • If you click YES, a pdf containing the label will be generated for you to paste on the bag.

    • If you click NO, you can continue bagging and download the label later.

B. Click and Bag

  1. Select all orders you wish to bag together. You can only bag orders belonging to the same bin. Once you have selected all the parcels you want to bag, you can click the bag button at the top right corner.

  2. Upon clicking Bag, you can select if you wish to

    • Close Bag: Bags closed will be found under the “Bags” tab for further bagging procedures.

    • Complete Bag: Bags completed will be found under the “Complete” tab. These bags are final and can be sealed and sent for a customs check.

  1. A pop-up will appear for both cases, prompting if you wish to print the label now.

    • If you click YES, a pdf containing the label will be generated for you to paste on the bag.

    • If you click NO, you can continue bagging and download the label later.

Step 4: Bagging Bags

There are 2 ways to perform the bagging actions.

A. Scan and Bag

The scanning mechanism is the same for layer two bagging. During scanning, bags will be sorted algorithmically into respective bins.

The only difference is that physically you are scanning bag barcodes instead of order barcodes.

B. Click and Bag

Orders previously closed in step 2 and orders submitted in bags from clients will appear here. The bagging mechanism is the same as in step 2:

  1. Select the bags to be bagged together. Only bags under the same bin can be selected.

  2. Click on Complete once done selecting.

  3. You can decide whether to print the labels now or later.

Step 5: Manage Bags

  1. Navigate to the Complete tab to manage bags.

  2. You can view/edit the orders within the bags by selecting the edit button.

  3. You can regenerate the bag label by clicking the download button.

  1. Removing or adding orders: Click the Bin icon and YES to delete orders. However, to add an order, these features will be coming in future development.

Step 6: Seal Bags

  1. Once you have ensured that no more changes will be made to any of your bags, you can seal your bag by clicking on seal bag and YES.

  2. Editing sealed bag: No changes shall be made once you have packed the bag. However, if you need to remove an order, you can click on the bin, and it is mandatory to fill in the reason for rejection column. Bags sealed are to be sent for origin custom check.

Step 7: Generate a Manifest

  1. To generate your manifest, first, you need to ensure the selected bags have been Sealed.

  2. Click on the BAG ID that you want to generate the manifest.

  3. Click on Generate Manifest.

  1. Fill in MAWB number.

  2. Fill in the bag's dimensions and weight. If the measured weight is vastly different from the submitted weight by the client, reweighing is required.

  3. Once all the information is correct, click the submit button, and the manifest file will be automatically downloaded.

  1. You may manage the manifest under the manifest tab.

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