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Dangerous Goods Shipping Guidelines
Dangerous Goods Shipping Guidelines
Updated over 12 months ago

It is imperative to strictly comply with safety regulations given the significant quantity of hazardous materials transported by air. As such, this document furnishes you with the necessary information about the shipment of dangerous goods.

You will learn the following:

The Required Documentations for Hazardous Materials Shipping

Below are some essential documents before shipping hazardous materials to a particular country, such as:

  • Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods

  • Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

  • Handling Information Statement

  • Mixed Shipment

  • Waybill

What should be included in Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods?

Before sending your hazardous materials to a destination, it is necessary to complete the Shipper's Declaration form, which includes specific information, such as:

  1. Shipper: Full name and address of the shipper

  2. Consignee: Full name and address of the consignee Note (There is no requirement that the names and addresses on the Air Waybill correspond with those on the Shipper's). Declaration

  3. Air Waybill Number: The appropriate Air Waybill number for the shipment. This information may also be entered or amended by the shipper, his agent, the airline, or its handling agent.

  4. Page of Pages: The appropriate page number of the total pages of the Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods.

  5. Aircraft Limitations: Deselect the box that is not applicable to indicate whether the shipment complies with the limitations for passenger and cargo aircraft or cargo aircraft only. If you generate the Shipper's Declaration from a computer system, show the appropriate aircraft type, i.e. print "Passenger and Cargo Aircraft" or "Cargo Aircraft Only".

  6. Airport of Departure: Enter the airport's full name or city of departure.

  7. Airport of Destination: Enter the full name of the airport or city of destination.

  8. Shipment Type (non-radioactive/radioactive): Only choose between "Non-radioactive" or "Radioactive".

  9. Nature and Quantity of Dangerous Goods: Enter the identification of each dangerous good in the following order:

    UN number, proper shipping name, class/division, and any subsidiary class or division must be in brackets or a packing group. e.g. UN 1738, Benzyl chloride, 6.1 (8), II

    Followed by:

    • The total number of packages of the same type and content:

    • The type of packaging

    • When applicable, the net quantity of dangerous goods in each package or the gross weight of the completed package. e.g. 5 Fibreboard boxes x 10 kg, 1 Steel drum 20 L, 1 Wooden box 15 kg.

    • The words "Overpack used" immediately after any entries relating to the packages within the (each) overpack.


  • The SI (metric) system requires displaying measurement units.

  • Followed by: The packing instruction number

  • Followed by: The Special Provision number when required

  • Details of any government approvals or authorizations.

  1. Additional Handling Information: Input any particular handling information relevant to the consignments.

  2. Certification Statement: The Shipper's Declaration must include the certification and air transport statements.

  3. Name and Title of Signatory: Enter the name and title of the person signing the declaration.

  4. Place and Date: Enter the place and date of the issue.

  5. Signature: Signed by the shipper.

Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods template

There are two formats of templates for your ease of use. You can click on the link below to view the template.

Guide to Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

MSDS includes details on potential risks such as those to the environment, human health, fire, or reactivity. Each document also contains instructions for personnel on how to use d handle the chemical product properly.

An MSDS is a foundation for creating a safety program for that specific chemical. However, it also offers much more information than a label, giving staff members helpful guidance on avoiding hazardous situations and what to do if they arise.

MSDS is consisted of 16-sections;

  1. Identification: Includes product identifier; manufacturer, importer, and related party's information; recommendation and restriction usage of the product.

  2. Hazards information: This includes appropriate warning information associated with the hazards.

  3. Composition of ingredients: Details about substances, mixtures, and any chemical with a protected proprietary formula or process comprise this information.

  4. First aid measures: The first aid that amateur responders should perform for those exposed to the substance.

  5. Firefighting measures: The suggestions for fighting out a chemical-related fire.

  6. Accidental release measures: Implementing proper responses to spills, leaks, or releases, including effective countermeasures and thorough clean-up procedures, is crucial to prevent or minimize harm to humans, properties, and the environment.

  7. Handling and storage: The instructions on safe handling procedures and requirements for chemical storage safety.

  8. Exposure controls/personal protection: Various steps to reduce worker exposure, including but not limited to setting exposure limits, implementing engineering controls, and supplying personal protective equipment.

  9. Physical and chemical properties: Before handling any hazardous material, it's essential to fully understand the distinctive physical and chemical properties associated with the substance or blend.

  10. Stability and reactivity: The information on chemical stability and details of the chemical's reactivity dangers.

  11. Toxicological information: Identifying toxicological and health effects information or indicating that such data are unavailable.

  12. Ecological information: The data necessary to assess the potential ecological consequences of the chemical(s) in case of environmental discharge.

  13. Disposal considerations: Recommendations on safe handling techniques, recycling or reusing the chemical(s) or container, and correct disposal procedures.

  14. Transport information: The guidelines for classifying information for hazardous chemical shipment and transportation by land, air, and water.

  15. Regulator information: Regulations related to the product's safety, health, and environment that are not mentioned elsewhere on the SDS.

  16. Other information: The date of preparation with or without information related to the previous revision.

MSDS exception?

If there are any points of exceptions in the MSDS, clients shall discuss them with the Luwjistik team for further advice.

The Packing Instructions

The packaging must consist of three components:

  • A primary receptacle(s).

  • A secondary packaging.

  • A rigid outer packaging.

A. For liquid substances :

Before dispatching the hazardous liquid substance, it is essential to familiarize yourself with several packaging instructions, such as:

  1. The primary receptacle(s) must be leakproof and must not contain more than 1 L.

  2. The secondary packaging must be leakproof.

  3. When placing multiple fragile primary receptacles in a single secondary packaging, it is necessary to either individually wrap them or keep them separated to avoid any potential contact.

  4. It is necessary to insert absorbent material between the main container and the outer packaging. The porous material, such as cotton wool, must be in sufficient quantity to absorb the entire contents of the primary receptacle(s) so that any release of the liquid substance will not compromise the integrity of the cushioning material or the outer packaging.

  5. The primary receptacle or the secondary packaging must be capable of withstanding, without leakage, an internal pressure of 95 kPa.

  6. The outer packaging must not contain more than 4 L. This quantity excludes ice, dry ice or liquid nitrogen when used to keep specimens cold.

B. For solid substances:

Before dispatching the hazardous solid substance, it is essential to familiarize yourself with several packaging instructions, such as:

  1. The primary receptacle(s) must be sift-proof and not exceed the outer packaging weight limit.

  2. The secondary packaging must be sift-proof.

  3. To avoid contact between multiple fragile primary receptacles placed in a single secondary packaging, they must be either individually wrapped or segregated.

  4. Except for packages containing body parts, organs or whole bodies, the outer packaging must not have more than 4 kg. This quantity excludes ice, dry ice or liquid nitrogen to keep specimens cold.

  5. Suppose there is any doubt as to whether or not residual liquid may be present in the primary receptacle during transport. In that case, packaging suitable for liquids, including absorbent materials, must be used.

C. Specific Requirements

Before dispatching the hazardous that require specific handling, it is essential to familiarize yourself with several packaging instructions, such as:

1. Refrigerated or frozen specimens: Ice, dry ice and liquid nitrogen

  • To follow the rules, ensure you meet all the requirements when using dry ice or liquid nitrogen to keep things cold. Also, when using ice or dry ice, put them outside, inside the packaging, or in another box.

  • You must add things inside the package to hold it when the ice melts. If you use ice, the outside box must not leak. If you use dry ice, the box should let out gas to prevent it from breaking due to pressure.

  • The primary receptacle and the secondary packaging must maintain their integrity at the temperature of the refrigerant used, as well as the temperatures and the pressures, which could result if refrigeration were lost.

2. Infectious substances assigned to UN 3373 which are packed and marked in accordance with this packing instruction are not subject to any other requirement of these Regulations except for the following:

  • The consignee and the shipper must provide their name and address for each package.

  • The person who is responsible for the package must provide the name and the telephone number on the air waybill or the container;

  • The classification must follow 3.6.2; 650

  • the incident reporting requirements in 9.6.1 and 9.6.2 must be met; and to

  • the inspection for damage or leakage requirements in 9.4.1 and 9.4

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